L'upcycling n'est pas une utopie.
Le made in France n'est pas une utopie.
La clé pour y parvenir: la force du collectif.

A collaborative upcycling brand
Remade in France
At the meeting of Vintage and the urban, ReFUNK is built on the historical values of Vintage: creativity, resourcefulness, sharing, love of clothing, and perfect awareness of the social and ecological responsibilities of fashion.
A project born from the desire to act to reduce our textile waste
Reuse existing materials to make new treasures.
We want to offer an effective and desirable solution to reprocess damaged clothing, while boosting employment in the region. By going further than the solutions that exist today, thanks to the strength of the collective:
- you, our customers, to help us collect the clothes: you bring them to us to transform them
- our partner collection organizations
- young creative talents from all backgrounds and all levels of experience to think about transformations. In particular from 93, where we are located, not always graduates from a fashion school, but with great ideas, and a fresh and daring look at everyday fashion.
- clothing workshops in Île-de-France with couturiers and seamstresses with golden hands.
Together, we can revolutionize fashion to make it inclusive, job-creating and ecological.
Without compromising on creativity and quality.
We are building a universe that is both sharp and popular, a bridge between the fashion of the past and that of the future, by infusing it with the soul of funk: joy, celebration, the collective and the rebellious spirit.
We will explore retro influences, transcended by modern cuts and ideas, to create new unique models, from used clothing, even damaged.
Let's revitalize Made In France!
Relocate textile clothing to create jobs with us.
We collaborate with several clothing workshops exclusively in Île de France, which promote professional reintegration. We hope to be able to support these structures to contribute to their development and to the training of new people.
A project born at the Saint-Ouen flea market
The antipodes of fast-fashion.
It was during 4 months of immersion in this microcosm of recovery installed at the gates of Paris for more than 150 years that the idea of the project matured. Where fashion lovers of all ages, all backgrounds and all social classes meet. There also where at the end of the day piles of textile waste litter the ground, for lack of having found a taker because of a hole or a stain. Join us "on the other side of the periphery" in this micro-cosm of recycling and hacking. An infinitely inspiring avant-garde system, which puts people and creation back at the heart. We wish to pay tribute to this district which is the illustration of the meeting between the fashion of the past and that of the future, which we are going to build together.

Together, we can revolutionize fashion to make it inclusive,
job-creating and ecological.
You, our customers, who can bring us your clothes to transform them.
And our collection partners (Les Fripiers de Saint-Ouen, Le Relais, Emmaüs, La Collecterie, etc.) who collect and sort 250,000 tonnes of used clothing per year in France.
Our designers
who imagine our creations: young talents from all backgrounds and all levels of experience. Not always fashion school graduates, but with great ideas, a fresh and daring take on today's fashion.
clothing in Île-de-France, some of which promote professional reintegration. Dressmakers with golden hands, upcycling specialists and armed with patience to unstitch, cut, then assemble our clothes.

Les créatifs du collectif

It was during 4 months of immersion in this microcosm of recovery installed at the gates of Paris for more than 150 years that the idea of the project matured.
Where fashion lovers of all ages, all backgrounds and all social classes meet.
Also there where at the end of the day piles of textile waste litter the ground, for lack of having found a taker because of a hole or a stain. This is a reflection of what is happening in the current system: the second hand is on the rise, but where do all these clothes go when they are damaged? It is estimated that more than 40% end up in surface landfill in Africa.
Join us “on the other side of the periphery” in a new local movement: collaborative upcycling. An avant-garde system, in harmony with the spirit of the chips, which puts people, common sense and creation at the heart.
ReFUNK pays tribute to this district which is the illustration of the meeting between the fashion of the past and that of the future, which we are building together.
Established at the Saint-Ouen flea market,
second-hand fashion capital of the world for 150 years.

Samia, founder
My desire: to initiate a new truly virtuous system, by federating to create and have fun together!